Thursday, June 16, 2011

剪裁前的打扫 spring cleaning before sewing

刚刚忙完本季的工作, 下一季的工作分配下个星期才开会讨论, 现在开始想偷懒不做工了,哈哈哈。。。 连续忙足了一个半月, 后期几乎每天加班到10点多, 回到家根本不想动了。手头上欠客户的手作还有几个,我也只能欠着, 真的感到过意不去。

这两天下班回家都忙着打扫和整理家务, 我的家在高速大道旁, 家里的尘埃可想而知的多,我还一个多月内才扫两次的地,整个家变得不忍惨睹。 还好没有缝制任何手作, 不然全部都占了灰尘, 怎么给人送货呢?

乘新一季的工作还没分配下来, 这两天忙着打扫, 以便可以剪裁和缝制客户特定的包包, 免得再让客户干等。 虽说大家不介意, 但道德上也不能让大家等太久。 想看我接下来的作品请拭目以待吧! :)

It has been a long while I stopped making my craft due to my heavy work load. For the pass one and half months, I have been working very hard to complete my office tasks and at the peak of my work load I even stay back at the office till late night. By the time I reach home, I am too tired to do anything.

Now while waiting for my new season's job scope, I quickly do some spring cleaning so that I can have a clean place to do my cutting and sewing. Well, living along highway always a disadvantage, the dust you get for a month is unbelievable! Thank god that my customer willing to wait for me for their order, so now I need to quickly clean up and start making my craft!

Keep my fingers cross, by next week you should expect to see some of my new creations. Do drop by next week for a peek of what am I doing yeah!

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Felt supply 不织布出售

After seeing so many felt handcraft and you wish to make some for yourself and friends but do not know where to get the felt supply?!

I'm please to announce that I'm providing this service.^^

Measurement: approximately 9" x 12"

Price: RM1.70 per piece (0.56 USD)

Minimum order is 5 pieces of felt and you can click here for the color template.

When you place the order, please indicate the number of pieces for each felt color.

看了那么多的不织布手工和教程, 是不是也引起你的兴趣想给自己或朋友做一个? 是不是不知道要到那里购买不织布呢? 呵呵, 这一回你们不用再烦恼啦!! 从今天开始我就提供不织布销售服务, 解决你的烦恼:)

尺寸: 大约 9 X 12 寸

价钱: 一张 RM1.70 (0.56美金)

每次定购最少5 张, 订购时请清楚地例出购买的颜色和张数


Please place your order here. Shipping method please see here.