Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pre-order for Christmas

Another 2 months plus will be Christmas, start making your Christmas craft?

This two weeks I will have a pre-order for Christmas felt, details as follow:
  • A4 size 
  • RM1.50 per piece
  • minimum order is 10 pieces
  • suggested colors are A2, A4, B3, B4, C5, F1, F2, E1, E3, G1, G4
  • last day to place order and make payment is on 8 Oct 2011.
Please click at the order form to place your order and put a remark in your order is for "pre-order for Christmas felt".


Happy crafting~

For larger view, please click here

Friday, September 9, 2011

4yo birthday present 2nd part

I did not make it to continue my craft as planned on Wednesday. Anyway, last night after my late dinner, I manage to cut out my template and trace them on respective color felt. I think they took me less than 10 minutes to cut out from paper template, another 10 minutes to trace and extra 10 minutes to cut out from felt.

So this is how Barney puppet looks like when all the felt were placed accordingly. Haha, sorry for my ugly hat drawing..

So for the following days, I will start sewing all the felt together and the puppet will be ready as present~

Maybe you had missed my first planning on this puppet, feel free to read on my 4 year old birthday present.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

4 year old birthday present

In 10 days time will be little worm's 4 year old birthday.

For the past 2 weeks, I was struggling what to give her as birthday present. Last year, I made her a felt birthday cake. Glad to see the cake slices and fruit deco were on the toy plates from time to time ^^

This year I had planned something else. Since she loves to watch Barney show, most probably I will make her a Barney hand puppet to play with her brother and sister. :D

How to make a  Barney puppet? Well, to me sounded simple:

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pouches for little girls

有一位两个孩子的朋友想给孩子一份礼物, 请我给每一个孩子缝制小钱包。 我大概用了好几天完成设计和缝制。 呵呵, 原本想早早给他们寄出去, 无奈一波三折,前天才让我的先生用普通邮寄寄出去, 希望孩子们会喜欢。

有些人也许会问, 为什么不用女生们喜欢的粉色系?
孩子们的爸爸说, 用深色吧, 这样才会耐脏。

这次我也减少了布料的成分, 只有单层。当我在准备材料时, 我回想当年穿校裙的情况来推测小女生若要每天带着钱包, 太大或太厚, 想要塞进口袋并不容易, 当下决定放弃双层布料(虽然看了很挺会比较好看)希望可以给孩子带来方便。

图案:每一个图案设计都是参考后再做改良, 网上找不到的。
形状:上华德福课之后知道孩子比较适合没有菱角的东西, 所以从原本方形计划变成圆形。

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Today's delivery

During lunch my colleague accompany me to post office to drop my parcels. Hm, I guess is because of fasting month, I got scolded when I decided to change on my delivery method XD

I feel bad because I am the customer and I should able to decide which option I should go with right? Sign..

Still remember the pink-grey cases? I did a bad guest and my customer does not like the color, therefore I have to apology and re-do as replacement, I think this should be the way servicing the customer... hope things get better after Raya.

Keep my finger cross...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Update: Costum Made Order (Sheep purse)

Delivered the phone and camera cases two days ago and now preparing for my next project, 2 purse for kids.

Need to do some graphic search for the purse design.. google-ing for nice and cute sheep and snake which kids like most... homework for the day :)

Here are some snip shots for the sheep I found in google image.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Update: Costum Made Order

Completed 3 out of 3 cases! hooray! Tomorrow night will deliver to the owner's...

My next projects are kids' purse, 8 fridge magnets, 8 travel tags, 8 mobile charms and more to go! Feel great when seeing more orders coming in! wow!

Saw this cute little bow brooches at Little Beans, they are cute ain't they?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Update: Costum Made Order

Completed 1 out of 3 cases... 2 more to go during this weekend.

Too bad that I cant take any picture to post here as my camera was loaned out to my brother o-O
Bro, remember to bring it back to me end of the month yeah!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Update: Costum Made Order

Working hard these few days one 3 cases... I must give myself a deadline by next Tuesday so I can pass to them ^^ Wish me good luck!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ipad Case Design

I like this idea when I first saw it... using the case as a stand for your i device has make it so convenient. Do you wish to have one too?

From the design I guess is not too difficult to make it, if you interested, maybe we can try to draw the template and make something similar too ^^

For more details about this design, please visit the Korean Felt website.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Felt price at Penang

I always wish to prepare a starter kit for new crafter so he/she can have a feel of making a felt craft without paying much as I do at the beginning.

My first time seeing felt craft was more than 10 years ago. At that time, I have totally no idea where to buy felt cloth and how to start. After 4-5 years down the road, finally I manage to get some felt cloth from sewing accessories shop and 1 piece of 15cm x 15cm cost me RM2.50 and A4 size was about RM3.50 per piece! I told myself that time, nah! Just forgot about it, the money is more useful in other stuff than making this hobby. By that time, Internet has become very common and more and more people start to upload their hand craft in the Internet. Without fail, on and off I still keep looking at people's work until today.

3 years back, the price of felt came down from RM3.50 per piece to RM2.20 - RM1.70 per piece and at one time it was RM1.50 per piece. Later when the cotton's price shoots up, the price of a felt cloth is back to RM1.70 at market price. It had become an affordable hobby these few years and in the Sunday market, we can see more and more people making it to sell. This is eventually a good sign for me ^^

When I did my research online, I found out the price at Northern and KL are almost the same but eventually there are supplier in the South can give fairy good price for large piece order. Well, in this online market, the price is very competitive. The nett earning is very minimal and we can hardly earn more for raw materials. Anyway, it is still a good try right?

After 2 years running my online shop (to the accurate, the first year was just testing water), I found out that the services which I able to provide to my customer had made them become my recurring customer. Some of them even order from me since day one. Here I would like to thanks to all my customers for their strong support. Hopefully I can keep serving them as far as I could go... ^^

Thursday, June 16, 2011

剪裁前的打扫 spring cleaning before sewing

刚刚忙完本季的工作, 下一季的工作分配下个星期才开会讨论, 现在开始想偷懒不做工了,哈哈哈。。。 连续忙足了一个半月, 后期几乎每天加班到10点多, 回到家根本不想动了。手头上欠客户的手作还有几个,我也只能欠着, 真的感到过意不去。

这两天下班回家都忙着打扫和整理家务, 我的家在高速大道旁, 家里的尘埃可想而知的多,我还一个多月内才扫两次的地,整个家变得不忍惨睹。 还好没有缝制任何手作, 不然全部都占了灰尘, 怎么给人送货呢?

乘新一季的工作还没分配下来, 这两天忙着打扫, 以便可以剪裁和缝制客户特定的包包, 免得再让客户干等。 虽说大家不介意, 但道德上也不能让大家等太久。 想看我接下来的作品请拭目以待吧! :)

It has been a long while I stopped making my craft due to my heavy work load. For the pass one and half months, I have been working very hard to complete my office tasks and at the peak of my work load I even stay back at the office till late night. By the time I reach home, I am too tired to do anything.

Now while waiting for my new season's job scope, I quickly do some spring cleaning so that I can have a clean place to do my cutting and sewing. Well, living along highway always a disadvantage, the dust you get for a month is unbelievable! Thank god that my customer willing to wait for me for their order, so now I need to quickly clean up and start making my craft!

Keep my fingers cross, by next week you should expect to see some of my new creations. Do drop by next week for a peek of what am I doing yeah!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


呵呵, 无心插柳做出来的, 我个人觉得他像林育群呵呵。。。
有兴趣的朋友请给我留言吧! 谢谢。。

My original intention was to make a cartoonist character but ended with this one, personally I felt he looks like a Taiwanese Boy (Lin Yu Chun) who sings Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You" on the Taiwanese singing competition "Super Star Avenue" and became well known world wide now. He was also recognized as Taiwanese Susan Boyle.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Safely reach with the new owner

After a long waiting, finally my chess set has safely reached it's new owner.

My customer just dropped me a message saying the chess set is with her sister now and her sister really likes it and showing off at office to her colleagues! hahaha.. When I was told about this, I was extremely happy as the new owner appreciated it! Well, now I'm sure the chess set will be "protected" ^^ not wasting my effort to re-do so many times to make them perfect! :)

Happy happy!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Release for Sales

Still remember my hand sew camera and cell phone case? They are release to sell again. Why? Why? Why? You must be asking why, ain't they are custom made for the owner? Well, long story here...

It was a last minute job to complete as a birthday gift and I had assume my customer would like to have it in grey-pink combination. Ended, she was very disappointed with the cases! I was a bit up sad when I was told that I did not meet her expectation. I wonder why at the beginning and glad that she was willing to share with me why why why she wish to return my custom made cases.
Top: Pink-grey camera case; Bottom: Pink-grey cell phone case

Friday, May 27, 2011

Mission completed

Spent another night to complete the balance of the order last night after I came back from my IM class. Gosh.. only managed to finish and clean up my working space at 1.30am... @-@

Anyway, although felt tired, but I get the satisfaction when I look at my handwork, they are great! 100% patient and love, hoping the person who is going to use will appreciate my hardwork. :D

Here are some peep of what I have done, will post up the actual products when I had deliver them ^^ Scroll down to see yeah!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Completed 50% of order

Thanks to MH who place her order at my Pattecraft's FB and before I proceed to make her order, we did some discussion to fine tune the design that she is looking forward.

Really has to thanks her being so patient with me waiting for her order to be made.

Last night I had finally completed her hand phone case and also spent some time to cut the felt pieces for her camera case order. Hopefully by end of this week I will be able to deliver as promised. Cross my fingers now :D

3月份开始班读书会和上课后, 常常让我觉得时间不够用。 就像这个上个月接的订单, 今天才完成一半, 我真的要感谢MH的耐心等待。 那天我们在面子书第一次聊天就决定让我帮她做一份礼物, 很谢谢她的认同和支持。 现在让她等了那么久, 真的很让我过意不去, 这两天无论如何总得将订单完成, 让她的礼物能及时地送出去。


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

豆袋 Bean Bag

昨天的读书会我教大家做粽子手作来庆端午节, 结果大家都缝得不亦乐乎。 就连平时不动针线的朋友在缝制第二颗粽子时已经可以缝得似模似样了。

再还没上课前当我正找相关资料作参考时, 我无意间发现豆袋还可以用来替补三角架, 再不平的地面上相继可以安然的摆好, 这个让我立刻联想到我家那堆碎布有出路了!

Yesterday during my study group, I taught my group member to make "bak chang" (Chinese dumpling which is made during dragon boat festival) based on bean bag template. When I was looking for relevant details about bean bag, I found bean bag can be use as a replacement for tripod especially when comes to uneven surface! Hey great idea! Now I know what to do with my up-cycle cloth :D

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Buy 10 free 1 father's day special!

Buy 10 free 1 father's day special!

The terms and conditions are as follow:
  1. You must be my follower of this blog.
  2. Minimum order is 10 pieces felt (A4 size, RM 1.70/piece) of any color from my template. Please click here for the felt color template.
  3. For every purchase of 10 pieces felt, 1 free A4 size felt will be given free!
  4. The promotion period starts from today till end of May 2011. 
  5. Place your ordering details here and state how many pieces per which color.
  6. The Pos Laju/registered post delivery fees is excluded. 
  7. Total amount will be advice via email. Please check your inbox or spam box (just in case you did not get it in your inbox).
  8. Delivery upon receiving full payment and revert with payment statement via email.
  9. Delivery date to be advice.
P/S: A1 and E6 out of stock
Red chili color is C5 (which is not listed in the felt color template).

So be fast while stock last! ^^

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Update: Costum Made Order

After 4 days break, this week gonna complete my next order, one for handphone and one for camera pouch, catch up with you soon!

P/s: today is Selena's day.. all my mood following her songs now...

share with you guys one of her famous song 'Dreaming of you'

Happy viewing~

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

粽子手机挂件 dumpling handphone charm

欢迎光临!Welcome to Pattecraft store!

This year the Dragon Boat Festival (Duanwu festival) falls on 6 June 2011. To celebrate this festival, I made some dumpling charm so later you can have them on your mobile! Great idea?!

The handphone charm is 100% handmade from felt and string with polyester filling.
The size is approximately 3cm x 3cm
Each pair is selling at RM5.

华人五月初五庆端午, 我也来筹筹热闹做了几个粽子手机挂件。

有兴趣的朋友可以到这里留言。 谢谢。

Anyone interested please drop me an order form.

For the same price, the dumpling can be custom made into a fridge magnet, please put it as remark when placing your order.

想以同样的价格把粽子变成磁铁? 有兴趣的朋友在下订单的时候请特别注明。

Thank you. 谢谢。

Happy Dragon Boat Festival! 端午节快乐!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Custom Made: Hot Air Balloon Blanket

Thanks Shanon, below are the orders made for you. 
Hope you like it ^^

Hot air balloon blanket for new born

Flying fish key chain

3D lady bird hairpin

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mother's day Special Sales

Good news during mother's day special!

For those who is buying in bulk, I will have a special discount during this season.

The terms and conditions are as follow:
  1. You must be my follower of this blog.
  2. Share this promotion in your blog or website and place the web link in the comment.
  3. Minimum order is 1 meter per color. Please click here for color template. 1 meter is equally about 12 pieces of A4 size.
  4. To purchase below 6 meters, it will be RM17 per meter.
  5. To purchase 6 to 9 meters, it will be RM15 per meter.
  6. To purchase 10 meters and above, it will be RM14 per meter.
  7. The promotion period starts from 27 April 2011 to 13 May 2011, 5pm. 
  8. Place your ordering details here and state how many meter for which color.
  9. The Pos Laju delivery fees is excluded. 
  10. Total amount will be advice via email. Please check your inbox or spam box (just in case you did not get it in your inbox).
  11. Delivery upon receiving full payment and revert with payment statement via email.
  12. Delivery date will be on: 6 May 2011 and 15 May 2011 accordingly.
P/S: A1 and E6 out of stock
Hot Red color is E5 (which is not listed in the template).

So be fast while stock last! ^^

Monday, April 18, 2011

Mother's day present: Mooncake Pin Cushion

Mother's day is coming!
Is time to buy a present for your mom ^^
Here I have prepared a set of mooncake pincushion,
I hope they can be one of your mother's day present this year :)

All the mooncake pin cushion are unique,
You won't get the same design out in the market.
And all of them are 100% hand sew with love.
If you interested,  please drop me an order here.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I had made some blueberries for slice cakes and cupcakes..
Tried with dark purple felt and deep blue felt..
I like both colors :)

In near future, you can choose any decoration you want for your cakes when you pruchase, looking forward to customize your own cakes?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sewing Machine + Alphabets

Just bought my first sewing machine(Singer) during Chinese New Year and only today I had some time to make my first sewing - Alphabet pieces.

These alphabet pieces are sew for kids to play around and they can play spelling bees with these 2 sets of alphabets. Will post the photos soon when I finished sewing all of them ^^

Happy handcrafting!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Felt Rabbit Magnet or Brooch

This is year is a rabbit year according to Chinese Calender. To celebrate my Chinese New Year, I had made a set of rabbit magnet and all of them are for sale!

The size of the rabbit is approximately 2.5" square.

The price are as below:
Embellishment - RM3/piece
Brooch - RM4/piece
Magnet - RM4/piece
DIY kit - RM5/pack

Drop me an order form and I will get back to you soon!

Happy handcrafting!


Each DIY kit has enough ingredients to make at least 2 rabbit. The DIY kit will comes along with some decorative items and you can choose either 2 magnets or 2 brooch pins or 1 magnet and 1 brooch pin.

Each kit contains:
5 pieces of felt (3" square) - 1x bright pink, 1x green, 1x yellow, 2x black
2-4 pieces decorative items
2 magnets, or 2 brooches, or 1 magnet and 1 brooch
Rabbit pattern
Illustrated instructions

You need to prepare:
scissors, needle, thread and handcraft glue

HAppy CHinese NEw YEar!

Haha, a belated Chinese New Year greeting to all...

Wishing all of you "Gong Xi Fa Chai"


呵呵, 虽然这里长天都是春/夏天


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Felt Elephant Brooch and Magnet

Hi everyone, are you looking for handmade brooch or magnet as gift?

This cute little elephant are 100% handmade of felt. It can be a felt embellishment, a magnet or a brooch or you can even sew it yourself! I do offer a DIY kit for this lovely elephant.

The size of the elephant is approximately 2.5" square.

The price are as below:
Embellishment - RM4/piece
Brooch - RM5/piece
Magnet - RM5/piece
DIY kit - RM5/pack

Drop me an order form and I will get back to you soon!

Happy handcrafting!


Each DIY kit has enough ingredients to make at least 2 elephants. The DIY kit will comes along with some decorative items and you can choose either 2 magnets or 2 brooch pins or 1 magnet and 1 brooch pin.

Each kit contains:
4 pieces of felt (3" square) - 1x baby pink, 1x green, 1x purple, 1x black/dark grey
2-4 pieces decorative items
2 magnets, or 2 brooches, or 1 magnet and 1 brooch
Elephant pattern
Illustrated instructions

You need to prepare:
scissors, needle, thread and handcraft glue

Friday, January 14, 2011

My Camera Pouch

My hubby bought me a digital camera end of November last year before we depart to Melacca to visit my in laws. After the trip, I made a pouch for myself as Christmas gift, referring a Korean designed pouch.

The interface for my pouch consist of a piano key land with an antique bicycle. The 2 love shape flower represent me and my hubby.Simple and sweet right? haha... Now, everyday I will bring along my camera in this pouch. I found is a good way to promote when people ask me what you do with felt or what is felt, I can easily answer their questions by showing them is lovely camera pouch to them.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Kids: Differentiate colors and shapes

Since I am preparing some tutorials and tools to play with my kids, I would like to share some of my tutorials here. For those who like to have this teaching tools, please kindly click here to download. Currently this tutorial only available in Chinese language.

The teaching tool is for personal use only, NOT for commercial use.

Related Posts with Thumbnails

Felt supply 不织布出售

After seeing so many felt handcraft and you wish to make some for yourself and friends but do not know where to get the felt supply?!

I'm please to announce that I'm providing this service.^^

Measurement: approximately 9" x 12"

Price: RM1.70 per piece (0.56 USD)

Minimum order is 5 pieces of felt and you can click here for the color template.

When you place the order, please indicate the number of pieces for each felt color.

看了那么多的不织布手工和教程, 是不是也引起你的兴趣想给自己或朋友做一个? 是不是不知道要到那里购买不织布呢? 呵呵, 这一回你们不用再烦恼啦!! 从今天开始我就提供不织布销售服务, 解决你的烦恼:)

尺寸: 大约 9 X 12 寸

价钱: 一张 RM1.70 (0.56美金)

每次定购最少5 张, 订购时请清楚地例出购买的颜色和张数


Please place your order here. Shipping method please see here.