Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Felt Chess Set

Promised Joanne that I will post my new felt craft tonight so she can have a quick view on it^^ So here you are!
I had spent my baby sitting free time last week to make this felt chess set and it took me more than a week to complete it. This felt chess set is 100% handmade and sew with a lot of patient and love.

Maybe you feel the color is too soft and you prefer some other colors, feel free to let me know and I will custom made accordingly. Please allow me to have 2-3 weeks time to complete it as I can only make it after my office hours.

The measurement of the set is about 10 x 10 inches. The price will be from RM100 to RM120 for a complete set. Do drop me a message if you have further queries.

答应Joanne小妹要让她看看我的西洋棋,这就给大家上载棋盘的一角, 让大家过过瘾^^ 这幅棋花了我不少的时间, 所以价钱不菲, 大家要有心理准备, 呵呵。。。

这个棋盘100%手工制作。 从裁剪到缝制, 一针、一针的缝。 一开始也没什么计划要用什么颜色配搭, 等做出部分的棋子才发现用的颜色太素了。

有兴趣想订做的话, 大概要给我2-3星期的时间缝制。 也请让我知道喜欢的颜色^^ 价钱大概是RM100到RM120之间。 棋盘尺寸是10 x 10寸, 每颗棋子尺寸则是大约1 X 1寸。


Nur said...

This is AWESOME pat! I luv the idea! Good job!

Patte-mon said...

thanks nur! :)

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Felt supply 不织布出售

After seeing so many felt handcraft and you wish to make some for yourself and friends but do not know where to get the felt supply?!

I'm please to announce that I'm providing this service.^^

Measurement: approximately 9" x 12"

Price: RM1.70 per piece (0.56 USD)

Minimum order is 5 pieces of felt and you can click here for the color template.

When you place the order, please indicate the number of pieces for each felt color.

看了那么多的不织布手工和教程, 是不是也引起你的兴趣想给自己或朋友做一个? 是不是不知道要到那里购买不织布呢? 呵呵, 这一回你们不用再烦恼啦!! 从今天开始我就提供不织布销售服务, 解决你的烦恼:)

尺寸: 大约 9 X 12 寸

价钱: 一张 RM1.70 (0.56美金)

每次定购最少5 张, 订购时请清楚地例出购买的颜色和张数


Please place your order here. Shipping method please see here.